Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Everybody Needs One Of These...

A friend that sticks closer to you than a brother. Someone who loves you enough to tell you the hard things. Someone who loves you enough to tell you what is really important in life - like Jesus.

Almost 30 years ago I met a shy girl in my French class. We hit it off right away. Despite my weird antics, she stood by my side. Even when my father died a few months into our friendship, she did not high-tail it out. Instead, she patiently waited through my bouts of flooding caused by increased tear production.

During one of those tumultuous nights, she shared the greatest message ever with me. With the faith of a mustard seed, she shared her heart and how God has changed her life.She explained that I still have a Father, he just is a Heavenly one. Oh what hope washed over me to hear those words.If I still had a father, then I was dead bent on finding out all about him. The next few years were spent being in Bible studies and immersing myself in the Word of God.

I never in million years would have thought that one day I would be sharing the EXACT same message,on the other side of the world, with children who have lost there fathers.I could hardly keep the tears in check as my dear friend's words resonated in my mind. The words that gave meaning to my life were now being passed on to others in the hopes that their lives would be impacted by the Heavenly Father.

She is my soul-sister, my kids auntie, my partner in destuction but most of all she is my neighbor who continually loves me the way Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors. I happen to have the best one that there is available, so all of you will have to settle for an inferior model. Still get yourselves one, though. They change your life for the better.

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